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Must I attend the Annual Meeting if my abstract is selected?

Yes. One Author from each abstract selected for Oral and ePoster Presentation must attend the Annual Meeting in-person to deliver a LIVE presentation. There is no option for virtual presentation.

Important: In-Person Presentation

All abstracts accepted for oral or ePoster presentation at the ACAAI 2025 Annual Meeting must be presented in-person. Presenting Authors who are unable to register for in-person Annual Meeting attendance and travel to Orlando to present their abstract will have the opportunity to designate a co-Author to serve as the Presenting Author. If no co-Authors are available to present, the abstract must be withdrawn by the submission deadline date. Failure to deliver an in-person presentation for an accepted oral and poster abstracts may result in the loss of future abstract submission and authorship privileges.

What are the abstract submission deadlines for the ACAAI 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting?

Research Abstracts Deadline – July 7, 2025 - 5:00 PM (CT)

Medically Challenging Case Abstracts Deadline – August 1, 2025 - 5:00 PM (CT)

Late Breaking Abstracts Deadline - TBD

Note: Due to publication requirements, the abstract submission deadlines will not be extended.

Does ACAAI accept encore abstracts?

No. ACAAI only accepts original abstracts. Abstracts previously accepted and/or published by other organizations should not be submitted. If an abstract submitted to the ACAAI Annual Meeting is accepted for programming and/or publication by another organization prior to its acceptance by ACAAI, it must be withdrawn from consideration for the ACAAI Annual Meeting.

What is the Abstract Submission fee for the 2025 Annual Meeting?

There is a $60 non-refundable fee for each Research and Medically Challenging Case abstract submission.
There is a $250 non-refundable fee for each Late-breaking abstract submission.

Can changes be made to the abstract after the submission deadline date?

No changes can be made after the submission deadline.

Do you have to be an ACAAI Member to submit an abstract?

No. Abstracts can be submitted by Members and Non-Members of ACAAI.

Can a non-Author submit an abstract on behalf of the authors?

Yes. A non-Author can submit and be the main point of contact for an abstract.

How do I add an Author(s)

Click here for guidance on adding Authors to your Abstract.

How many authors can be listed on each abstract?

Research Abstracts are allowed a total of 8 Authors.
Medically Challenging Case Abstracts are allowed a total of 5 Authors.
Late Breaking Abstracts are allowed an unlimited number of Authors.


Is there a limit to the number of abstracts that can be submitted by an Author?

No. You are welcome to submit an unlimited number of abstracts. However, an Author can only be listed as a Presenting Author on one abstract. 

If the Presenting Author cannot attend the ACAAI 2025 Annual Meeting, can another Author present the abstract?

Yes. Any listed author who has completed a disclosure by the submission deadline date can become the Presenting Author. Note, however, that the Presenting Author as shown within our system as of the deadline date, will appear as the Presenting Author in any online publication of the abstract. 

What is the ACAAI Policy on the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI)?

ACAAI recognizes the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) as a powerful tool for educators and researchers and encourages its responsible and ethical use. If any form of generative AI is utilized for this abstract submission, it must be clearly acknowledged in the appropriate section(s) within the abstract content. It is expected that authors will review any AI-generated copy, figures, images, citations, or statements for accuracy and edit accordingly. Presenting inaccurate AI-generated information or failing to acknowledge AI-generated information will result in disqualification.

Will authors be removed from the published abstract if they have not completed a financial disclosure?

Yes. All disclosures must be fully completed by the abstract deadline. Any author who has failed to complete their disclosure will be removed from the abstract and will not appear in any published/online use of the abstract.

How do authors receive their disclosure form?

Once the Submitter has entered the names and email address(es) of the author(s) and pressed the “submit” or “save and edit later” button, an email is automatically sent to each listed author that includes a link to their individual disclosures.

Note: Each time the Submitter clicks the “submit” or “save and edit later” button, a new email, with a modified link, will be sent to any author who has not completed their disclosure. All previously sent links will be rendered invalid.

How to re-send a disclosure link

Login to your abstract. Click the edit abstract icon. Click the "Save and Edit Later" or "Submit Abstract" button. Any authors who have not completed a disclosure will be sent an email with a link to complete their disclosure. 

When will authors be notified of the Abstract Review Committee’s decision?

Research and Medically Challenging Case abstract Submitters will be notified of the decision in late-August/early-September. It is the responsibility of the abstract Submitter to notify any additional authors.

Where will abstracts be published?

All accepted abstracts will be published in the ACAAI’s Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology – November, 2025 Online Supplement. ePosters with audio/video recording will also be available for online viewing.

What information can be shared publicly about an accepted abstract?

Authors are permitted to share only the abstract title, date of oral/ePoster presentation and presenter name in any communication prior to November 6, 2025 at 8:00 AM (ET). 

Please contact Hollis Heavenrich-Jones, Director of Public Relations at hollisheavenrich-jones@acaai.org for information and assistance.

Can ePosters include a QR Code or Bar Code?

General ePosters can include a QR Code or Bar Code only to direct the viewer to additional educational information. QR Codes and Bar Codes cannot direct the viewer to any promotional materials or information.

Can Oral Abstract PowerPoint Presentations include a QR Code or Bar Code?

No. QR Codes and/or Bar Codes cannot be included in any presentation during educational sessions presented during the Annual Meeting.

How do I withdraw an abstract?

Abstracts can be withdrawn at anytime during the submission period. No abstracts can be withdrawn after the close of the submission period. Requests for withdrawal must be submitted in writing to maureenknight@acaai.org.

Is copyright of accepted abstracts / ePosters held by the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology?

Yes. However, ACAAI may allow reuse upon written request from the first author. Contact maureenknight@acaai.org to request permission.