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Thursday Program

Separate Registration Fee • Admission by Ticket Only

(In-person and Livestream attendees must be registered for the Annual Scientific Meeting to enroll in the Thursday Program)

This year’s Thursday Program will feature the latest developments in the science, diagnosis, and therapeutics for mast cell diseases and anaphylaxis.

The day will start with sessions on the latest science in mast cell biology and how it relates to clinical disease. This will transition into discussion on mastocytosis classifications and the interplay of idiopathic anaphylaxis and mastocytosis.

*During the lunch hour, there will be an update on alpha-gal allergy with a focus on clinical questions on the use of mammalian products such as valves and gelatin in alpha-gal patients.

After lunch, the theme will transition to anaphylaxis with talks on anaphylaxis fatalities, risk-stratification in anaphylaxis, and the latest in therapeutic management of anaphylaxis including updates from the latest anaphylaxis practice parameters and novel forms of epinephrine delivery devices.

*Finally, the day will culminate with fun and spirited ProCon debates on topics germane to every allergy clinic regarding the role of mast cell activation in patients with POTS and Ehlers-Danlos and the clinical relevance of hereditary alpha-tryptasemia as an underlying cause of protean manifestations.

As always, the Thursday session will have international and world-renowned speakers to deliver the latest information.

* offered to in-person Registrants only.



Thursday Program Schedule
Sessions and speakers are subject to change without notice. Check back frequently for the most up-to-date information.

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